martes, 7 de julio de 2015

my head is pounding I can't stop the pounding I think it is going to explode and kill everybody who's in close proximity to the place I call my home. and they'll make a moving made for tv movie for lifetime all about my life that ends with an epitaph, one that will make you laugh, that says "great mom, okay wife" and it'll be funny to the people who know me who know if my body's not burned my soul will spend an eternity in misery tethered and bound to this earth so I'm not a dick or a stick in the mud always ruining things for my friends. 
I mustn't forget when I see the sun set that tomorrow it will rise again.
so I tattoo instructions on my ass that say "don't ever put this body in a casket burn it and put the ashes in a basket and throw them in the Puget Sound"... I don't ever want to be underground

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